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Databricks Labs

Policy-based managed access to Databricks services


The resources reside in your organization’s or Vocareum’s Databricks and AWS payer accounts. No need to provide credit cards for payment. Vocareum Managed Databricks labs can be delivered as standalone sandbox environments, hands-on labs with instructional material, or as auto-graded challenge labs.

Vocareum’s highly-available and scalable platform manages access and cost for over a million users and 4 million AWS accounts. 

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Auto-grading for rubric-based assessments

Provide feedback directly in learners' codes / submissions

Compare student assignment submissions to ensure integrity

Automatic ranking of learners' submissions on leaderboard

Automatic homework distribution to graders

Integrated to Your LMS

Integration with all popular LMS including Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, Moodle, Sakai, edX, Coursera, and more via LTI

Team Projects and Peer Reviews

Support for team coding projects in a shared workspace, with the ability for learners to review and execute peer code

Single Platform for All Learning Needs

Use it for bootcamps or online, residentials, exams

Rich Collaboration Capabilities

Pending description


Rich Collaboration Capabilities

AWS and Azure Lab

AWS and Azure Lab can help manage the budgets, resource policies, and delivery of credentials to learners.

Assignment Management

Instructors can set up rules and resources for assignments and assessments.

Exam Management

Provide secure and timed coding exams with passcodes and auto-grading.

Resource Management

Instructors can create budgets, policies, and limits.

Rest API

Rest API is available for custom integration solutions.


  • Provide managed learner access via temporary security credentials.
  • Easy enrollment; no need to set up Databricks accounts for learners, instructors, etc.Full control over resource policy: regions, services, #, budget, duration, etc.
  • Tiered and managed billing at Org, Course, or learner levels.
  • Flexible resource management of unused resources.
  • Leverage spot instances to reduce cost.
  • Secure, audited access to cloud resources.
  • Bring-your-own (BYO) Databricks and AWS payer accounts.
  • Integrated to Vocareum LMS for assignments and assessments.
  • Integration to 3rd party tools via LTI and Vocareum REST API.

Main Components of the Managed Databricks Labs

  • Account Management – set up organization, provision accounts, enroll and drop learners, budgeting
  • Credential Management – establish policy & privileges, issue temporary credentials
  • Resource Monitoring – track resource, suspend accounts, terminate services
  • Notification Services – alerts to organization admin, instructor, and learners
  • Vocareum Terminal – learner access to Databricks


  • How much does it cost?

Standard: $10/student/month + $1000/month for platform license fee.

  • What features are included in Standard pricing?

Scripting interface for lab configuration and automated assessments. [Institution to bring own AWS and Databricks accounts].