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Vocareum Coding IDE

Vocareum Coding Integrated Development Environment

The Vocareum Coding IDE is the perfect environment for the classroom making it easy for instructors and students to create, deliver, execute and auto-grade assignments. The IDE has been used by hundreds of thousands of university students and is trusted by Georgia Tech, USC, Oregon State, Rice University and others. 

Hear how professor Dr. David Joyner of Georgia Tech has been using the Vocareum Coding IDE for the last 4 years in his CS1301 class

Compare Vocareum to Replit

  • Vocareum
  • Replit
Features VocareumReplit
LMS Integration
Collaborative Workspace
Project & Submission Creation
Publishing & Submission
Comprehensive Assessment Suite
Multiple Coding Language

Trusted by


  • Seamless LMS Integration: Integrate with popular LMS such as Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle for a cohesive and streamlined learning experience, simplifying course management and enhancing learner engagement.
  • Comprehensive Assessment Suite: Save time with auto-grading, manual grading, peer-graded, and multiple-choice assessments.
  • Collaborative Workspace: A collaborative workspace where teachers and students can work together.
  • Project and Assignment Creation: Assignments set up by teachers with starter code, instructions, and materials. Also, select the project language, title, description, due date, and decide whether it would be a group project. They could add comments, tests, and initial coding blocks in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for students to start from. 
  • Publishing and Submission: Once a project is edited and ready, teachers can publish it, making it viewable and editable by all assigned members. Students can submit their work through the IDE, which notifies  all teachers of their submission.
  • Multiple Coding Languages: Support for Python, Scratch, Java and other popular coding languages.


$10 per student per month + $1,000 monthly platform license fee