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See what Vocareum virtual lab users are saying about our platform.

Chris Fregly

Principal Engineer at AWS

"Since AWS already used the Vocareum lab platform for other educational programs, Vocareum was the obvious choice to deliver the labs for our Practical Data Science specialization. Vocareum provides a lab environment that is highly reliable, customizable, scalable, and most importantly, secure."

Read More Testimonials Below!

"We don't want to create barriers to entry into this class, that means students don't have to install their own set up of Python or Jupyter on their machine. With Vocareum, it allows us to assume the ability to use web browsers. The grading capabilities are also very easy to use, especially after autograding once you have it set up."

David P. Williamson

Professor at Cornell University School of Operations Research & Information Engineering

"Vocareum has a built-in mastery learning feature that allows me to implement my teaching philosophy. In addition, it has a facility built in to allow for multiple versions of assignments which reduces the likelihood of cheating. In my course, I have approximately 40 versions of each of the 50 assignments, which makes large-scale copying from the internet much less likely."

Steven Shaffer

Associate Teaching Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at Penn State University Park

"Vocareum, and transitioning to auto-grading, made a huge impact. Vocareum allowed me and my teaching assistants to use our own home-grown autograders by easily integrating them with the platform. In the end, by automating the mechanical bits of the assessments in multiple courses, the teaching team ended up saving a lot of time, time that we could allocate to providing deeper and more meaningful feedback to students. It also allowed me to scale up my courses to a greater number of students. Students benefit in particular because they can get early and precise feedback in multiple rounds, and gradually fix their mistakes."

Hakan Erdogmus

Hakan Erdogmus

Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University

"Vocareum provides all the supporting infrastructure for my courses: from hosting Jupyter Notebook with the learning management, to automatic grading via nbgrader, and peer reviews. While students may resist reviewing other students’ code, it can be a very worthwhile exercise. Anyone looking to work in an industry job or an academic job where you are writing code must be to be able to read someone else’s work. Any time you have the ability to get comments from peers, and not just instructors, it improves the overall learning experience and prepares students for their future careers."

Kyle Mandli

Associate Professor at Columbia University